xhtml.html, last updated: Saturday 28th March 2015, 11:11 PT, AD
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XHTML is a better, cleaner HTML. XHTML is almost identical to the old HTML 4.01 - XHTML contains all of the elements of HTML 4.01 but has the strict syntax of XML (Extensible markup language). XML is a language designed to describe data, whereas HTML was designed to display data. XML enabled devices such as cell phones or other hand-held devices can also render XHTML.
All new browsers support XHTML
The top of the XHTML document must include exactly this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
more details...
IMPORTANT: To view the XHTML resources linked to from this page, you must use the Firefox browser. If you use Internet Explorer, you will not be able to see the XHTML, only what the XHTML would display in a browser. USE FIREFOX!
XHTML version 1.0 Strict TEMPLATE
IMPORTANT: If you're reading this page from an Internet Explorer browser window, you may not be seeing the resources in the manner intended by the instructor. Use the Firefox browser to view these pages. Firefox is installed on all PCs in Coquitlam College. Google firefox to get your free copy at home.
What you need to study for XHTML