Last updated: Monday 1st March 2021, 12:15 PT, AD
Raspberry Pi 1 by Dr Anne Dawson
This page explains how to build
simple electronic circuits attached
to a Raspberry Pi 1 and control them
using Python scripts.
RPi 1 related movies:
RPi 1 LED circuit
RPi 1 controlling LED with Python 2 script
Python 2 scripts:
from the desktop in RPi 1:
1. open a terminal window:
2. sudo -s (you have to be superuser to have access to GPIO)
3. idle
4. File -> Open
5. Run -> Run module
from the desktop in RPi 1:
1. open a terminal window:
2. sudo idle (you have to be superuser to have access to GPIO)
3. File -> Open
4. Run -> Run module
RPi 1 LED circuits:
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B (2014) - wired to one LED
Raspberry Pi 1 Model original (2011) - wired to three LEDs
Example Python 2 Programs (HTML format)
Example Python 2 Programs (text format)
Example Python 3 Programs (text format)
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Copyright Anne Dawson 2020