Last updated: Wednesday 10th September 2008, 7:03 PT, AHD

Web Graphics Software

The Jasc Paint Shop Pro application is available 
on the college machines from
the Start button and Programs menu.

Jasc Paint Shop Pro is not free.
You must have a valid license to use it 
if you run the program at home. 

Free graphics software is available from GIMP:

The GIMP is installed on all machines in Rooms 1 and 6 at the college.

You may use either GIMP or Jasc Paint Shop Pro
to generate your picture files. You will need to 
include your own picture files in any web pages you 
submit in assignments.

Note, you will not receive any instruction on
how to use these programs. There are many good free
online tutorials for you to find. Your initiative is appreciated.

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