Last updated: Monday 1st March 2021, 11:46 PT, AD






Python 3 Data Processing and Selection


4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws (Reference only)





4.1 Python Program Structure


·       Programs are composed of modules

·       Modules contain statements

·       Statements contain expressions

·       Expressions create and process objects








4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws




4.2 Memory concepts


A variable is a name that refers to a value. The assignment statement creates new variables and gives them values:

number1 = input("Enter first number:\n")

Variable names such as number1 actually refer to Python objects.


Every object has a data type (e.g. int),
a size (e.g. 4 bytes), a value (e.g.

and a location in the computer's memory. . .










In Python, a program cannot change an object's type or location.


Only with a small selection of object types can the value of the object be changed...


Python program statements cannot change the value of a number or string object. These objects are said to be immutable.







see program:


For more notes on Python 3 input, see:














see program:






Displaying an object's memory location


A representation of the memory location of an object can be obtained by using the id function.



number1 = input("Enter first number:\n")

print (number1, type(number1), id(number1))



number1 = int(number1)

print (number1, type(number1) ), id(number1))





see program:



4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws




4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators


Numeric Expressions (int)


2 + 4

6 - 4

6 * 3

6 / 3

6 % 3    # % modulus - see below

6 // 3   # an integer division


3**2     # 3 to the power of 2


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.




see program:







Numeric Expressions (float)


2.0 + 4.0

6.0 - 4.0

6.0 * 3.0

6.0 / 3.0

6.0 % 3.0    # % modulus - see below

6.0 // 3.0   # an integer division


3.0**2.0     # 3.0 to the power of 2.0


see program:


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.







Mixed Numeric Expressions


2 + 4.0

6 - 4.0

6 * 3.0

6 / 3.0

6 % 3.0    # % modulus - see below

6 // 3.0   # an integer division


3**2.0     # 3 to the power of 2



The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.




see program:




4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws




4.4 Relational and Logical Operators


Relational operators relate two operands


7 > 10

4 < 16

4 == 4

4 <= 4

4 >= 4

4 != 4


These are Boolean expressions.

The result of these expressions is either true (1) or false (0).





see program:



A Boolean Example


number = 10

isPositive = (number > 0)

# the value true (1) is

# assigned to isPositive



see program:





Combining Boolean expressions


You can combine Boolean expressions.


For example, if you need to know if a person's age is greater than 21,

AND they have a salary greater than 50 thousand dollars..


Combining Boolean Expressions with a Logical Operator (and)


age = 25

salary = 55000

print ((age > 21) and (salary > 50000))




see program:






Logical operator: and


(age > 21) and (salary > 50000)


The and is known as a logical operator.


Logical (Boolean) Operators






Truth Tables of Boolean Operators






















When writing boolean expressions or arithmetic expressions, it is usually best to indicate the order of operations by using parentheses (brackets).



If parentheses are not used in an expression, the computer will perform the operations in an order determined by the precedence rules. . .


Precedence Rules


Highest precedence

( )      (anything in brackets is done first)

**     (exponentiation)

-x, +x

*, /, %, //

+, -

relational operators: <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==

logical not

logical and

logical or

Lowest precedence



What the above means is explained in the examples below:




Example 1


x = 17 / 2 * 3 + 2

print (x)
In the expression to evaluate the value of x, the operators / and * share equal precedence 
that is higher than that of the + operator.  
Hence the division and multiply are done before the addition, 
resulting in an output of  27.5, as explained here...
17 / 2  is  8.5
8.5  *  3  is  25.5
25.5  +  2  is  27.5
Example 2
x = 2 + 17 / 2 * 3

print (x)
In the expression to evaluate the value of x, the operators / and * share equal precedence
that is higher than that of the + operator.  
Hence the division and multiply are done before the addition, 
resulting in an output of  27.5, as explained here...
17 / 2  is  8.5
8.5 * 3  is  25.5
25.5 + 2  is  27.5
Example 3


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).

Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.
x = 19 % 4 + 15 / 2  * 3
print (x)
In the expression to evaluate the value of x, the operators % / and * share equal precedence 
that is higher than that of the + operator. 
Hence the % (modulus), division and multiply are done before the addition, 
resulting in an output of  25.5, as explained here...
19  %  4   is  3
15 / 2  is  7.5
7.5  *  3   is  22.5
22.5  +  3  is  25.5
Example 4
x = (15 + 6) - 10 * 4
print (x)
In the expression to evaluate the value of x, the brackets have highest of all precedence, 
so is evaluated before anything else, then * is done, and lastly the - subtraction, 
resulting in an output of  -19 (minus 19), as explained here...
15 + 6  is  21
10 * 4  is  40
21 - 40 is -19
Example 5


x = 17 / 2 % 2 * 3**3

print (x)
In the expression to evaluate the value of x, the exponentiation is done first 
(three to the power of 3 is 3 * 3 * 3 which equals 27) as it has higher precedence to the other operators (/ % and *). 
So, ...
This is the order of evaluation:
Exponentiation is done first and the expression then evaluates from left to right:
3 to the power of 3 is 27. 

the expression is now 17 / 2 % 2 * 27


17 / 2  is  8.5

8.5 % 2 is 0.5

0.5 * 27  is 13.5







4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws





4.5 Selection


The if statement


The if statement starts with the keyword if followed by a Boolean expression, followed by a colon (:).



x = 'spam'

if x == 'spam':

   print ('Hi spam')


   print ('not spam')


Beneath the if line, the statements to be run if the condition is true are entered after pressing the Tab key or typing a few space characters. If you use the Tab key, always use the Tab key. If you use three spaces, always use three spaces. Mixing Tabs and spaces is a syntax error, even if the program looks correct! You will get an "incorrect indent" error. You have been warned!




Click here for more on using spaces and tabs for indenting Python programs.



The if statement makes use of a Boolean expression to decide which statement(s) to execute.


The Boolean expression in this example is:


x == 'spam'


The expression has a value of true or false (1 or 0).


The Boolean expression is also known as the condition of the if statement.


If the condition is true,

the first print statement is executed and the second one is skipped.


If the condition is false,

the first print statement is skipped and the second one is executed.



It's possible to have multiple statements in the true or false sections

of an if statement...




x = 'spam'

if x == 'spam':

    print ('Hi spam')

    print ('Hi Anne')


    print ('not spam')

    print ('bye Anne')


If the condition is true, the first two print statements are executed

and the second set are skipped.



The if statement - syntax



The if statement starts with the keyword if followed by a Boolean expression, followed by a colon (:).



x = 'spam'

if x == 'spam':

   print ('Hi spam')


   print ('not spam')


Beneath the if line, the statements to be run if the condition is true are entered after pressing the Tab key or typing a few space characters.


The statements to be run must be indented to the same level.

It's recommended to press the Tab key before typing the statements.


If you use the Tab key, always use the Tab key. If you use three spaces, always use three spaces. Mixing Tabs and spaces is a syntax error, even if the program looks correct! You will get an "incorrect indent" error. You have been warned!




x = 'spam'

if x == 'spam':

   print ('Hi spam')


   print ('not spam')







The else part of an if statement is optional, but if included, must be followed by a colon (:), and then the indented statement(s) to be executed if the condition is false.


see programs:






The nested if statement


Nested if/else statements test for multiple cases

by placing if/else selection structures inside other

if/else selection structures










see programs:




The nested if/elif/else statement




Nested if/else statements can be written using an alternate

if/elif/else construct.


Program is exactly equivalent to











see program:






4.1 Python Program Structure

4.2 Memory Concepts

4.3 Arithmetic Expression Operators

4.4 Relational and Logical Operators

4.5 Selection

4.6 De Morgan's Laws (Reference only)





4.6 De Morgan's Laws (Reference only)


(You will NOT be tested on De Morgan's Laws on this course)

Wiki - De Morgan's Laws


1. A not and is equivalent to an or with two negated inputs.

2. A not or is equivalent to an and with two negated inputs.


see program:











This Presentation uses the following program files:





End of Python3_Processing_Selection.htm