Last updated: Monday 1st March 2021, 11:38 PT, AD




And now for something completely different . . .

Part 3


Python 3 Data Types and Processing

3.1 Data types

3.2 Number processing

3.3 String Processing

3.4 Converting one type to another





A variable is a name that refers to a value. The assignment statement creates new variables and gives them values:

word = "spam"
print (word)

Every object has a data type (e.g. string), a size (in bytes), a value (e.g. "spam") and a location in the computer's memory. . .


A variable name is a reference


Please note: all Python 3 example programs can be found here:


# program



total = 10

print (total)

print (type (total))


How to get help on the Python Language

When you start to use the Python language, you may want to get more information on features such as type, which allows you to inspect the data type of an object. . .



Python Help


Python has its own Help system:

When in the Python Shell (interactive) window, at the >>> prompt, type: help()

Read the instructions provided.



The example programs shown here:

contain useful comments to help you understand what the programs are doing.




Please carefully read the following important document...





Python's Data Types


The main data types in Python are numbers and strings (i.e. text).


   int              (integer, e.g. 12, 14, -101)

   float            (floating point, e.g. 3.142, 98.6)

   string           (text, e.g. "Anne", 'Anne', "Hello World!")


int   a minimum of 32 bits (4 bytes) to unlimited precision

float 64 bits (8 bytes) precision (precision machine dependent)

string regular ASCII code strings are 1 byte per character



Python Data Types and Processing


3.1 Data types

3.2 Number processing

3.3 String Processing

3.4 Converting one type to another


Numeric Expressions (int)


# See program


2 + 4

6 - 4

6 * 3

6 / 3

6 % 3   

# % is the modulus operator - see below for more info

6 // 3   # floor division: always truncates fractional remainders


3**2     # three to the power of two


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.



Numeric Expressions (float)


# See program



2.0 + 4.0

6.0 - 4.0

6.0 * 3.0

6.0 / 3.0

6.0 % 3.0

# % is the modulus operator - see below for more info

6.0 // 3.0  # floor division: always truncates fractional remainders


3.0**2.0    # three to the power of two


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.







Mixed Numeric Expressions


# See program


2 + 4.0

6 - 4.0

6 * 3.0

6 / 3.0

6 % 3.0

# % is the modulus operator - see below for more info

6 // 3.0  # floor division: always truncates fractional remainders


3**2.0    # three to the power of two


The % (modulus or modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14  %  0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4 * 0.7 + 0.34.),

or integer numbers, e.g., 5 % 2 equals 1 (since 5 equals 2 * 2 + 1.).


Click here for info on when you might want to use the modulus operator.




Relational operators relate two operands


# See program



7 > 10   # 7 is greater than 10  - this expression has the value "false"

4 < 16   # 4 is less than 16  - this expression has the value "true"

4 == 4   # 4 is equal to 4 - this expression has the value "true"

4 <= 4   # 4 is less than or equal to 4 - this expression has the value "true"

4 >= 4   # 4 is greater than or equal to 4 - this expression has the value "true"

4 != 4   # 4 is not equal to 4 - this expression has the value "false"



Boolean expressions result in values true or false


# See program



7 > 10

4 < 16

4 == 4

4 <= 4

4 >= 4

4 != 4





In expressions where there are a number of different operators, do some have precedence over others? Yes they do... For example, multiplications are always done before additions and subtractions.

Click here for more important information on operator precedence.



Python Data Types and Processing


3.1 Data types

3.2 Number processing

3.3 String Processing

3.4 Converting one type to another


Python's Data Types


The main data types in Python are numbers and strings (i.e. text).


   int              (integer, e.g. 12, 14, -101)

   float            (floating point, e.g. 3.142,  98.6)

   string           (text, e.g. "Anne", 'Anne', "Hello World!")


String Objects


   string           text, e.g.



"where's the spam?"


# See program

# See program



String Assignments


a = "Hello out there"

print (a)

b = 'Hello'

print (b)

c = "Where's the spam?"

print (c)

d = 'x'

print (d)





String Concatenation (joining)


# See program


a = 'Hello out there'

b = "Where's the spam?"

c = a + b

print (c)


Click here for more info on the + operation.






Python Data Types and Processing


3.1 Data types

3.2 Number processing

3.3 String Processing

3.4 Converting one type to another


Converting one data type to another (int to str)


# See program


a = 'Hello out there'

b = "Where's the spam?"

c = a + b

print (c)

#d = c + 10

# you cannot concatenate a string and an integer

# you must convert the integer to a string first:

d = c + str(10)

print (d)




Click on the following link to see how to use the + operator

to join together (concatenate) two strings or add together two numbers:




Converting one data type to another (str to int)


# See program


a = "10"

b = '99'

c = a + b

print (c)

print (type(c))

c = int(c)

print (c)

print (type(c))





Rounding a floating point number to the nearest integer


# See program




# How to round up a floating point number

# to the nearest integer

# Updated: Monday 24th January 2011, 16:24 PT, AD


x = 1.6

print (x)

x = round(x)

print (x)

#compare the above with

x = 1.6

x = int(x)

print (x)



This Presentation uses the following program files:



Please note: all Python 3 example programs can be found here:



End of Python3_Data_Types.htm