CSCI120 - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming I using Python 3

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Spring 2020 Semester - Tentative Schedule

Week Lecture / Topic Assignment Reading Reference
1-1 Course Details / Intro CS and Python Lab 1A, Lab 1B Course Details / Intro CS and Python History of Computers / Computer Science
1-2 IPP  / Data Types and Processing / Python 3 Input Create and run a Python 3 program /
Lab 1C / Lab 1D
IPP / Chapters 1 & 2 / Intro to Prog (Sections 1,3,4 and 6) / DTP Example Python 3 Programs / Python 3 Textbook / IDLE's debugging tools
2-1 Algorithms / Processing and Selection Lab 2A / Lab 2B Chap 5.1 - 5.7 / Intro to Prog section 5 and 9.1 / PPS / Algorithms Example Python 3 Programs
2-2 Processing and Selection / Flowcharts Lab 2C / Lab 2D Chap 5.1 - 5.7 / Intro to Prog section 5 and 9.1 / PPS Example Python 3 Programs
3-1 Repetition Lab 3A Intro to Prog section 9.2 / Ch7.1-7.4 / RSF Python Help / Example Python 3 Programs / Programming Hints
3-2 Repetition / Code Tracing Lab 3B / Lab 3C Intro to Prog section 9.2 / Ch7.1-7.4 / RSF / Code Tracing Python Help / Example Python 3 Programs / Programming Hints
4-1 Repetition Lab 4A / Lab 4B Intro to Prog section 9.2 / Ch7.1-7.4 / RSF Python Help / Example Python 3 Programs / Programming Hints
4-2 Quiz 1 on topics of weeks 1 - 4 Quiz 1 date for online students Intro to Prog section 9.2 / Ch7.1-7.4 / RSF Example Python Programs / Python Help
5-1 Functions Lab 5A / Lab 5B Functions / Chap 3 / Chap 6.1 - 6.4 Python Help
5-2 Functions Lab 5C / Lab 5D Functions / Chap 3 / Chap 6.1 - 6.4 Python Help
6-1 Functions Lab 6A / Lab 6B Functions / Chap 3 / Chap 6.1 - 6.4 Python Help
6-2 >Midterm Exam     Python Help
7-1 Functions Lab 7A / Lab 7B Functions / Chap 3 / Chap 6.1 - 6.4 Python Help
7-2 Lists Lab 7C / Lab 7D Lists / Chapter 10 Example Python 3 Programs / Python Help / Programming Hints
8-1 Lists Lab 8A / Lab 8B Lists / Chapter 10 Example Python 3 Programs / Python Help / Programming Hints
8-2 Quiz 2 Quiz 2 date for online students   Python Help
9-1 Strings Lab 9A / Lab 9B / Lab 9C Strings / Chapter 8 Python Help
9-2 Strings Lab  9D / Lab 9E / Lab 9F Strings / Chapter 8 Python Help
10-1 Files and Searching Lab 10A / Lab 10B Files / Chapter 14 (Ch14.1-Ch14.5) Python Help
10-2 Searching Lab 10C, Lab 10D Searching Python Help
11-1 Searching Lab 11A Searching Sorting and Complexity
Computational Complexity
11-2 Searching Lab 11B Searching Sorting and Complexity
Computational Complexity
12-1 Final Assignment      
12-2 Final Assignment      
13-1 Final Assignment      
13-2 Final Assignment      

Week 14

The Final Exam (40% of the final grade) comprising: Final Assignment (30%) and Oral Exam (10%) - Focus on the topics shown on C4 in Week 14. Final Exam 40% Midterm 30% Quizzes 20% Participation 10%