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Last updated: Monday 18th November 2024, 9:15 PT, AD






Complexity of Algorithms using the Big-Oh notation



A function f(n) is Big-Oh of a function g(n) if:

there exists positive constants c and n0 such that: f(n) <= c g(n) for n > n0

We write this as f(n) is O(g(n)).

Rules for Order Arithmetic:


O(1000n) = O(n)

O(n2 + 3n + 2) = O(n2)

O(3n3 + 6n2 - 4n + 2) = O(3n3) = O(n3)

If  f(x) = n2 * log n = O(n2 logn)


Example 1


We can often analyze the running time of a program by determining the number of times selected statements are executed. We can usually get a good estimate of the running time by considering one type of statement such as some statement in a for loop.


for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
   for (j = 0; j < n;  j++)
      cin >> A[i][j];

Number of times cin >> A[i][j]; executed: n2
Complexity: O (n2)


Analysis:  In a nested for loop with fixed lower and upper limits (e.g. "0" and "n") the number of times the insider part is executed is just n x n . f(n) =  n2 .  So this program section runs in O(n2) time.


Example 2


 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
     A[i][j] = 0;


Analysis: This code zeroes out the lower triangular part of a two-dimensional array. Since the inner loop is executed a variable amount of times, we can't just multiply n by i:

When i = 0 the inner loop is executed 0 times.
When i = 1 the inner loop is executed 1 time.
When i = 2 the inner loop is executed 2 times.
So the number of times the statement "A[i][j] = 0" is executed is: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n
This sum comes up a lot in algorithm analysis. You should memorize the formula:

   1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2
  =   1/2(n2 + n) 
Since in Big-Oh analysis we ignore leading constants (the 1/2 in the equation above) and lower order terms (the n in the equation above), this algorithm runs in O(n2) time. 

Example 3



Dim iSum,i,j,k As Integer

       For i = 1 to n                         

         For j = 1 to n                       

           iSum = iSum + 1      |   =  1 x n   

         Next j                             

         For k = 1 to 2 * n                                 =   x  n

           iSum = iSum + 1      |              

           iSum = iSum + 1      |   =  3 x 2n  

           iSum = iSum + 1      |              

         Next k                             

       Next i                                    


Number of times executed: n x (1 x n + 3 x 2n) = n2 + 6n2 = 7n2
Complexity: O (n2)


Since in Big-Oh analysis we ignore leading constants (the 7 in the equation above), this algorithm runs in O(n2) time. 


Example 4


Dim iSum,i,j,k As Integer
       For i = 1 to n                                        
         For j = 1 to n                                      
           iSum = iSum + 1                       = 1 x n    
         Next j                                           
         For k = 1 to 2 * n                                      = x n
           iSum = iSum + 1         = 1                       
           For m = 1 to 4 * n step 2                 = 2n       
             iSum = iSum + 1       = 1 x 2n                
           Next m                                          
         Next k                                                                           
       Next i
       Number of times executed: n (1 x n + 2n (1 + (1 x 2n)))
                                 = n (n + 2n (1 + 2n))
                                 = n (n + 2n + 4n2)
                                 = n2 + 2n2 + 4n3
                                 = 3n2 + 4n3
       Complexity:   O (n3)


Since in Big-Oh analysis we ignore leading constants (the 3 and 4 in the equation above) 
and lower order terms (the n2 in the equation above), this algorithm runs in O(n3) time. 


Example 5


void main(void)
    int i, tofind, A[100], n;
    i = 0;
    cin >> tofind;
    while ((A[i] != tofind) && (i < n)) i++;
       if (i > n) cout << "not found";
          else cout << "found";

Analysis: This code has a comparision: (A[i] != tofind) . We count comparisons to determine the running time. This means the running time is essentially the number of times the while loop is executed. This depends on the input and the value of tofind which we do not know. So we must consider the worst possible case. In the worst case the value of  tofind is not found and the while loop is executed n times. Therefore the worst-case running time is O(n).

Example 6

All the previous examples have been actual code. You should be able to analyze pseudo-code too, although this can be tricky because pseudo-code is more vague. In pseudo-code the last example above would be:

   search the array starting from location 0 
   comparing each element to the search value until it is either found
   or the end of the array is reached.


Analysis: The worst-case will be when the search value is not found and is compared to every element of the array. If there are n elements this takes O(n) time.


Example 7

Some algorithms have logarithmic (base 2) complexity:

1.  i = n;            // i starts from n
2.  while (i >= 1)
3.  {
4.    x = x + 1;      // count this line
5.    i = i / 2;      // i becomes half at the end of every iteration
6.  }


value of  i
(at the top of loop)

number of times
line 4 is executed











n/2k-1 = 1



n/2k = 0

(loop not executed)

We are interested in what k is (because that's the number of times the line 4 is executed).  In other words,

T(n) = 1 + 1 + 1 + .. + 1  = (k * 1)
          |<-- k of them--->|

To derive k, we look at the relation at the last iteration (kth):

So, T(n) = log2n + 1   (where log2n is alternatively written as log n).

      Common asymptotic growth functions (complexity classes) in an ascending order:





log n




n log n

n log n






(general) polynomial (m is a fixed, non-negative integer; ; e.g. n4, n5


exponential (m >= 2; ; e.g. 2n, 3n)

