Last updated: Saturday 21st March 2015, 13:50 PT, AD




ConTEXT for Python







Once you've mastered how to create and run a simple Python program using Notepad, you're now ready to learn how to use a more sophisticated editor such as ConTEXT. ConTEXT was designed for use with a number of programming languages including Python. ConTEXT has a number of features to help you develop your Python programs including powerful syntax highlighting.


The following screen shots show the same Python program with (ConTEXT) and without (Notepad) syntax highlighting. Notice that with syntax highlighting, Python keywords, comments, literal text etc are displayed in different colours or fonts, which makes it much easier for programmers to find errors in their program code. Not only can you edit Python programs using ConTEXT, but you can also execute (run) them from within ConTEXT.











This web page explains how to download, install and run the text editor ConTEXT for editing and running Python programs.







How to Install and Run ConTEXT


1.  Go to the ConTEXT web site


In the address box of your Internet browser, type in the following:







2. Download and Install the ConTEXT software



At the time of writing this document the current version of the ConTEXT editor software is version 0.97.5.You should always download the latest version of the software as it will contain the latest features and bug fixes.


Click on the 'Download' link on ConTEXT's home page, which is located at the top of the page. You should then see the following screen:





Click on the first DOWNLOAD link…




Click on the  Open   button.






Click on the  Next >  button.






Click on the  Next >  button.





Click on the  Next >  button.






Click on the  Next >  button.





Click on the  Next >  button.






Click on the  Install  button.

When installation is complete, the ConTEXT software will automatically execute, and you will see the following screen:






You may access the ReadMe.txt and History.txt files at any time, but for now, close these files by clicking twice on the lower close button (marked with a x) in the top right hand corner of the screen.



Your ConTEXT screen will now look like this:







3. Setting up ConTEXT for Python programs



For ConTEXT to be able to locate the Python interpreter and automatically invoke it on your programs, you have to enter the correct settings. This only needs to be done once. Proceed as follows:




Click on the Options menu and select Environment Options:




From the Environment Options  window, click on the Execute Keys     tab:





To add a user execute key (a key set up to execute your Python programs), click on the  Add  button:



In the  Extension edit  window, type in py then press the  OK  button.







You will now see the following screen. Click on  F9  to see this screen:






Enter the text for the Execute: and Parameters: text boxes:





Then click on the  Apply  button, then the  OK  button.



ConTEXT is now set up to edit and run your Python programs.



The procedure outlined above set up the keyboard key labeled F9 to execute files with the extension py (i.e. Python programs) using the Python interpreter in interactive mode (requiring Ctrl-Z to quit), using the saved the file name and path.









4. Creating a new Python program in ConTEXT


Select New from the File menu:





You will then be presented with a blank editor window:





Type in your Python statements:





Save your file as a Python program file:






Select a folder to save your new file from the Save in: text box, and make sure you select Python files for the file type from the list of types available from clicking the down arrow button on the right of the Save as type: text box.















To run the program, simply press the key on your keyboard labeled F9, or click on the user execute key 1 (the first of the four buttons which has a picture of a human head on it).







Press Ctrl-Z to exit Python and get back to the ConTEXT editor.







5. Opening and running an existing program file



Select Open from the File menu:







Select the file to open:






After selecting the file and clicking the Open button, the file is displayed in the editor window:






To run the program, simply press the key on your keyboard labeled F9, or click on the user execute key 1 (the first of the four buttons which has a picture of a human head on it).






Press Ctrl-Z to exit Python and get back to the ConTEXT editor.



6. Setting up ConTEXT for Python Help



When Python is installed, a compiled HTML help file named Python23.chm is placed in folder C:\Python23\Doc.


This file can be accessed directly by clicking on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the desktop:


Start -> Programs -> Python2.3.4 -> Python manuals


In Explorer,  double click on:  C:\Python23\Doc\Python23.chm


You can also set up ConTEXT so that this help system file will be executed when key F1 is pressed when you are editing a Python program within the ConTEXT environment:


Proceed as follows:


From the Options menu, select Environment Options then click on the Miscellaneous tab:





In the Help files box (see above) click on Python, then click on the Edit button.


From the Open window (see below) click on the drop down arrow button on the right of the 'Files of type:' text box and select

 'HTML help files (*.chm)'.


Locate Python23.chm in the C:\Python23\Doc folder using the drop down arrow button to the right of the 'Look in:' text box:


Click on Python23.chm to transfer it to the File name: text box, then click on the Open button:




You will be returned to the following screen showing the connection between Python file type and its Help file:





Important: You must click on the Apply button to save these changes.